Hi! I’m Jonathan Serafica. I’m a Game Designer who specializes in Level Design.

That means I love to design environments for your players to run around in.

Building experiences for players is what I do best and I am always thinking about my work from the players’ perspective. Players always come first with my designs so that they always have a fun and memorable experience!

Besides video games, I love drawing, collecting movies, and painting miniatures.

I also work on a webcomic on my free time called Pain ‘n Dave. Check it out on WEBTOON if you’re into that kind of thing.

Thanks for checking out my website!


  • DigiPen Institute of Technology - Bachelor of Arts in Game Design

Programs I’ve Worked With:

  • Unity (C#)

  • Unreal Engine (Blueprint and Brush Editing)

  • GameMaker

  • Autodesk Maya

  • Photoshop

  • Figma

  • SVN / Git / Perforce

  • Hammer Editor

Yeah, that's me alright

Pain ‘n Dave, est. 2016